Tawn, Meet Martha

The most important thing for you to know is that neither of the pictures in this entry were doctored.  One of Tawn’s heroes is – no surprise here – Martha Stewart, the domestic diva who has empowered women around the globe (and many men, too) to rediscover the joy of the homemaking arts.

SNC14472 In an object lesson for the theory that it is all about who you know, Tawn had the opportunity to meet Martha.  His friend Ble (pronounced “bun”), a fairly well known Thai interior designer and decorator who designed our condo, has a trio of stores in the mid-Sukhumvit area, Eligible, Incredible and Irresistible.  Tori Burch, a fashion designer, has shopped at Ble’s stores many times and when Tori’s friend Martha came to Phuket for the holidays, Tori told her about these fabulous stores she must come see.

Martha’s hosts, the family whose company owns the rights to distribute the Martha Stewart Living line in Southeast Asia, contacted Ble, who has done design work for their stores here in Bangkok, and arranged for Martha to come visit his shops.

Ble contacted Tawn for some PR and hosting suggestions so that Martha and her assistant would be comfortable but not overwhelmed when they came to shop.  Tawn brought one of our our tea sets and several boxes of Mariage Fréres teas that he purchased on his last trip to Paris.

Sure enough, Martha was impressed with Tawn’s tea service.  After Tawn offered tea to her, she looked over the set and after tasting the tea and commenting how nice it was, she and Tawn had a brief conversation about where he had acquired the tea.  “Mariage Fréres,” she said, “How charming.”

While she shopped, Martha and her assistant took notes and pictures and she mentioned that she would write about this visit on her blog.  Perhaps she’ll even mention the handsome man who served her a proper cup of tea.  It’s a good thing.


From left to right, Eddy, Ble, Martha and Tawn.  She looks a little apprehensive with that body language, doesn’t she?  As if she’s never been surrounded by gay men before.  Pish-posh!  Anyone notice what Tawn and Martha have in common?

Needless to say, our tenth anniversary couldn’t have been better celebrated than with this visit from someone whom we both highly respect.


42 thoughts on “Tawn, Meet Martha

  1. I wonder if Martha would find it charming that I have my dustballs grouped by size? Seriously… wow! Oh yeah, are you referring to their chins? btw – who’s Eddy?

  2. How cool! You guys have connections! I bet Tawn was thrilled – I’m saying because he has a very big smile… It has to be the smile. Or maybe their taste in tea. Don’t keep us in suspense.

  3. We are jealous. I would love to meet Martha, and to serve and drink tea with her.Also, looking at one of your entries linked in the previous post, I just realized why it is you have chairs with no arms. At first I thought they were odd, but seeing how you use them at your little table, it looks great like that.

  4. They are the only ones with big smiles. Their shirts look similar, except for the color. I looked for shoes, but they aren’t showing in the photo. Same watch/bracelet on left wrist. I feel like I’m missing something, like I missed the brown shoes…go figure.

  5. @ElusiveWords – Why, Matt, did he catch your eye?  =P  He’s a schoolmate of Tawn’s who works with Ble.  For a bit more about Eddy and his house you can read this entry from 2005.@iskrak – Good question.  Here’s the convoluted answer: If you think about how a Thai pronounces the word “apple”, it sounds like “ap-pun” with the stress on the second syllable.  Ble’s nickname rhymes with the “pun” in “apple” so, following that logic, you would write it in English “Ble”.  Seriously, that’s the thought process.  =0@arenadi – Yes, it was a decision made because of the other pieces.  Arm would make the chairs “difficult” to get into and out of.  Which I don’t really believe but that was the thought process for the chair selection.@Dezinerdreams – @stebow – @TheCheshireGrins – @onmovement – For as easy as it is to parody her, it is hard to deny her success and smarts as a businessperson.@RakkaRay – @ZSA_MD – @jandsschultz – @alextebow – @yang1815 – @everyday_yogi – @murisopsis – Ray got it first – the watch.  Tawn was very excited to report, after quizzing me in the same manner I quizzed you, that both he and Martha were wearing the Hermes Cape Cod watch, bought as a birthday present for Tawn by Tawn’s father.  It seems this watch is unique for its very long strap which wraps twice around your wrist.@RakkaRay – Very nicely done!  Where have you been?  I hope all is well with you.

  6. Very cool photo with Martha. That’s what I thought when I first met Tawn, saw him wearing this watch (with the classic Hermes motif and shape). He has very good taste indeed!

  7. I hesitate to tell you this, may put a hitch in our friendship…lol I am NOT a fan of Martha Stewart. She has always seemed fake and forced to me, and the things I have read about her she seems like a really demanding, unreasonable person to work for. But I am glad that Tawn got to meet her, I am sure it made his day, shoot possibly it made his week!!! And I thought it was a bracelet that they both were wearing but you told us it was a watch. At least I was on the right track!!! lolRuth AnnPS Maybe the reason I don’t like Martha is that I know she would just FLIP if she walked into my house..heheheh

  8. Wowowow! =)  I really admire Martha Stewart.  I’ve visited the Vatican and saw the Pope, and I swear meeting Martha would be a lot more surreal.  What an opportunity!  Love the matching shirts–did Tawn plan that? =)

  9. @Redlegsix – Oh, I agree, Martha as a person reportedly has many of the qualities that we tend to admire in high-powered media titans but not in our friends!  What impresses me with her is that in a male-dominated industry she has built a very strong brand and been hugely successful.  She, like Oprah, are among the few who have been able to achieve that kind of success.@lil_squirrel4ever – Tawn probably didn’t match but I’m sure he gave a LOT of thought to what to wear.  LOL

  10. oooh the first thing I noticed was the nice old school canon camera that martha is holding in the first pic hehe. Woman got taste. Were you the one taking the photos?

  11. @Rm2046 – Was not there at all.  Didn’t see the need to crowd the already crowded shop.  Plus, I’ve met many celebrities in an earlier line of work and I’ve discovered an amazing secret – they’re human, too!  =D@kunhuo42 – Tawn was really excited about meeting her, yes.  I’m glad he had the opportunity.

  12. OMG! Martha! I must have done a few consecutive double-takes when I saw that photo! At first my thoughts were “what!”, then “no…really???”, and then “damn, that’s Martha and Tawn!”. And ooh-la-la on the tres chic Hermes watch. The only thing I can afford in that store are their neck ties…anything else is off limits! I went momentarily crazy and bought a notebook to take to my design classes for show, but immediately returned it when common sense returned…

  13. WHAT????? HOLY WOW….She is my idol, I grew up dreaming and still dreaming that I can be as domesticated and as awesome as Martha Stewart.  Tawn you are my new hero!!! I had to read the entry twice to make sure this was not a MS impersonator.  Can you take a picture of the tea set that Tawn used?  Thanks.

  14. Wow.  Congrats to Tawn!  I’m surprised how normal and accessible Martha Stewart looks.  How come I hear the news from your blog before I see it on Tawn’s?

  15. Holy crap, I just saw him on Martha right now! I came over to your page to ask you if that was him, and here’s the post haha. Nice!P.S. Btw, I don’t normally watch that show haha. It was playing in the background and when I looked up there he was!

  16. Chris! I haven’t logged in here in a long time. During my nine month vacation I’ve made it a point to try to watch Martha everyday at 2PM. I’m watching right now and saw that second photo of Martha and Tawn! I had to log in and see if you had posted about thi,s and you did! I’m so excited as you can see from my exclamation points!

  17. @drsweettooth – Your excitement is very clear!!!  =)@landislau – Yeah, it is, isn’t it?@Roadlesstaken – We call this “media convergence”.  Ha ha..@rice_eric – That’s a fascinating question, actually.  I waited until Tawn had posted the photos on his Facebook page but he was slower about updating his blog.@AppsScraps – She did the crime and served her time.  I figure she’s paid her price to society.@rudyhou – Yeah, it wasn’t the same watches, it was the fact they were smiling.  When’s she going to ask Tawn to be a guest?@dynamiqvision – I assume it was not planned as there would have been no way to know what Martha would be wearing.@XXKimPossibleXX – I’ll ask Tawn what tea set he used and see if I can recreate the setting for you.@kenpcho – You actually let common sense return?  Nooo!

  18. Pingback: Food in HK – Tea at the Intercontinental Hotel | christao408

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